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Good Morning to all my friends,

From now onward, I shall share my knowledge on health nutrition, as well as how to achieve your goal weight by eating right. I am not a certified nutritionist yet; but I read, study and do a lot of research online as well as I read a lot in regards to health nutrition.

And also, most of the articles which i am going to share are based on my personal experience and work with many people who has health problems. 

In this modern world, I believe to lose weight healthily has become everyone goal or every year resolution for many of us here. And you might already try out a lot of slimming products, MLM, protein shake.

  • Have you wonder, what are the ingredients in the products? Can it be long term? Or you just want short term?
  • Many of you might already use some slimming products before that will cleanse your colon, but did you know this will actually destroy your colon in the long run? 
  • Some might have constipation problem (which a lot of woman has this problem, I was on of them), hence we might buy some detox product, but how long can you depend on this product
  • How much money have you actually invested at those products.
Our body is designed in a way that our body can “heal” it by ourselves. We do not need those chemical or funny ingredients to tell our “body” what to do.

"Love Yourself by Consuming only Whole Food" 
"Be Healthy First and Weight Loss will come Eventually"

Note:By sharing our experiences in baking and cooking, we could improve further the recipe. Hence i would appreciate if you could kindly link back your baking or cooking experiences to my blog for sharing and further improvement.
