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Day 44 of MCO.
Daughter requested Cheesecake for dessert.
This is a failed proof Cheesecake which everyone can do it at home, as it doesn't require any complicated equipment, such as oven or electronic whisk.
What we need is only pressure cooker and a whisk.
Sounds very simple? Let's try at home, enjoy it with a cup of coffee.


Based Crust

1 cup of almond flour = 112 gram of almond flour
2 tablespoon of melted butter = 38 gram of melted butter
You may add 15 gram of sugar if you want to add extra flavor for your crust based. However, why we want to bake at home, it is because we want to bake a healthier version of cheesecake for our family, and of course is cheaper and we know what ingredients we have added in our cake.

Cake Batter

250 gram of Tatura cream cheese (Room temperature)
50 gram of castor sugar (If you are on Keto, please use sweetener substitution, such as Lakanto)
2 eggs (100 gram of eggs)
60 gram of Shani whipping cream (35% of Fats)
1 teaspoon of lemon juice


1. For the based crust, mix the melted butter into the almond flour, then pressed in your pan. I am using 6' inch of loose cake pan.
2. Baked in the oven for 180 C for 5-10 minutes, or until the cake based a bit harden.
3. As for the cake, use double boiled method to mix cream cheese and sugar with a whisk until all the sugar has fully incorporated into the cream cheese.
4. Follow by eggs.
5. Then add in whipping cream and lemon juice.
6. By now, you will have a smooth batter.
7. If you are still seeing some of the clumps in your batter, please sieve your batter before pouring in into your cake pan. As this will make sure your cake has smooth surface once it has done baking.
8. Fill up 2 cups of water in your *PPC.
9. Then place a steaming stray.
10. Wrap your pan with aluminium foil, this is to prevent water goes in to your pan.
11. Cover your cake batter with aluminium foil to prevent water dripping from your pan.
12. *PPC Steamed Mode KPT 40 minutes.
13. Do not open the cover, let it be in your *PPC warm mode for about 28 minutes.
14. Take out your cake, and leave it cool at your counter.
15. Then place in your fridge and chilled for more than 6 hours to make sure the cake is set.

*PPC = Pressure Cooker

Note:By sharing our experiences in baking, we could improve further the recipe. Hence i would appreciate if you could kindly link back your baking experiences to my blog for sharing and further improvement.
