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6 eggs yolks
70g corn oil
100g plain flour
Pinch of salt
50g pandan juice
50g coconut milk

6 eggs whites
90g sugar

Cake Tin: 8" Inch Square Pan


1. Put oil in a saucepan and heat on low fire until just simmering. Remove and immediately add the flour and stir with a whisk until smooth.
2. Add in the coconut milk and pandan juice and stir to combine.
3. Add in egg yolks and whisk with hand whisk until batter is smooth and runny again. Set aside.
4. Beat meringue until firm peak. (Eagle Beak)
5. Fold meringue into cake batter. Until fully mixed. Please do not over fold. As over folding will deflate the air bubbles.
6. Pour the batter into cake tin. Tap on your counter few times to release the air bubbles. Bake at 180 C for 15 minutes , then followed by 140 C for another hour or until the cake bounces back when you lightly press the top.
7. Remove from oven and leave it for a couple of minutes before unmoulding.

Recipe Adapted from: Ms Jeannie Tay

Note:By sharing our experiences in baking, we could improve further the recipe. Hence i would appreciate if you could kindly link back your baking experiences to my blog for sharing and further improvement.


  1. Hi, are the ingredient amounts the same as original recipe? What is adapted?

  2. I have done some slight changes from the original recipe.


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