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Me and my kids are allergic to Almond, Hence i have decided to give myself some adventure of making macarons without almond flour.

This recipe is very straight forward and simple. 


35 gram of Cake Flour
40 gram of Icing Sugar
1 egg white
30 gram of Castor Sugar
1 tsp of Pandan Paste

  1. Sift the cake flour and icing sugar, set aside.
  2. Beat the egg white until stiff peak. Add in Pandan paste and Mix again.
  3. Use a spatula to fold the the cake flour + icing sugar, until the batter can flow back in the bowl like ribbon.
  4. Pour the batter into a piping bag.
  5. Pipe the batter.
  6. Then gently tap the baking sheet on the counter to break any air bubbles
  7. leave it dry for about 45 minutes.
  8. Preheat oven at 150 C.
  9. Baked the macarons at 140 C for 3 min, 130 C for 2 min, 120 C for 2 min, 110 C for 5 min. (Middle Rack)
  10. Once the above is done. Let the macarons stay in the oven for 5 minutes.
  11. Take the macarons out from the oven and leave it cool.
  12. Use any of your existing jam at home to spread in between 2 macarons.

Note:By sharing our experiences in baking, we could improve further the recipe. Hence i would appreciate if you could kindly link back your baking experiences to my blog for sharing and further improvement.
