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PIGGY MOONCAKES - 公仔饼 (金猪月饼)

Recipe adapted from AnnCoo Journal

This year, mooncakes festival will falls on Wednesday, October 4.

Please find below recipe for my first batch of mooncakes.

Ingredients: (about 9 small piggies for my small piggies mould which i bought from Lazada)

150g  Plain flour
90g golden syrup
3g Alkaline water
38g corn oil (As i am allergy to nuts)

1 egg yolk + 1/2 tsp water

1. Combine golden syrup, alkaline water and water in a mixing bowl.
2. Add in flour
3. Rest the dough for about an hour.
4. Shape mooncakes
5.Bake mooncakes in a preheated oven for 5 minutes at 170C, take out from oven and leave aside to cool for 10 minutes. Brush egg water. Bake at 170C for another 10 minutes.
6. The mooncakes will become soft and shiny in one or two days.

Note:By sharing our experiences in baking, we could improve further the recipe. Hence i would appreciate if you could kindly link back your baking experiences to my blog for sharing and further improvement.
