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300 gram bread flour
30 gram sugar
1 tsp of yeast
1/2 tsp of salt
1 egg
100 gram plain yogurt
50 gram full cream milk
30 gram butter


1. How to make dough using bread machine, put in all the above ingredients and press dough function. (Please refer to my previous post for the sequence on putting the ingredients in). Let it run for 20 minutes.

2. Then press STOP.

3. Put butter in and press dough button and let it run for another 20 minutes. (Please take note that, your melted butter might splash everywhere in your BM, please cover with aluminium foil, to avoid butter splashing)

4. Take out the dough, and let it rest for 15 minutes.

5. Shape your bun.

6. Let is proof for 1 hour or when until the buns have double its size.

7. Bake in oven 170C for 15-20 minutes.

Note:By sharing our experiences in baking, we could improve further the recipe. Hence i would appreciate if you could kindly link back your baking experiences to my blog for sharing and further improvement.
