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This version of steam pumpkin cake is definitely healthy. As it has no oil, no baking powder or any baking soda. And you can taste the real sweetness of the smooth pumpkin.

用料 Ingredients

南瓜 Pumpkin Puree 200 gram

鸡蛋 2 Eggs

面粉 Cake Flour 40 gram

白糖 Castor Sugar 45 gram

南瓜蒸蛋糕的做法 Method

1. 南瓜切成块,放在微波炉转熟。然后过滤200克南瓜蒸蛋糕。 Cut the pumpkin, put inside the microwave and puree it.

2. 蛋白分次加入白糖放入无油无水的容器中打至硬性发泡,打蛋盆倒扣不倒南瓜蒸蛋糕. Seperate the Egg yolk and Egg white. Beat the Egg white until stiff peak.

3. 南瓜泥加入两个蛋黄南瓜蒸蛋糕. Pour the pumpkin puree in the Egg yolks. Mix well.

4. 搅拌均匀后,再加入过筛的面粉南瓜蒸蛋糕. Then sieve the cake flour in.

6. 再加入蛋白南瓜蒸蛋糕。 The add in Egg Whites.

7. 用刮刀自下而上成均匀的面糊南瓜蒸蛋糕. Fold well with spatula.

8. 倒入蛋糕模具中南瓜蒸蛋糕. Pour in any cake molds/ or cupcake liner.

9. 上蒸笼,盖上保鲜膜,蒸38分钟左右. Steam for 38 minutes or insert a skewer into the center of your cake. If it comes out clean, the cake is done.

Note:By sharing our experiences in baking, we could improve further the recipe. Hence i would appreciate if you could kindly link back your baking experiences to my blog for sharing and further improvement.
